Tuesday, August 30, 2005

I know a reality tv star...

Many of you know that my good friend David Ubben is going to be on a web-based reality show this winter. For those of you that don't, here is the story:

Ubben got an email a month or two ago telling him about this new web-based reality show AOL is doing called "Project: Freshman". 1 kid from 6 different schools would be selected and then would have to keep a video diary of their first semester of college that would be edited by AOL and turned into a show. Ubben wanted to do it, so we put our heads together and came up with a little video that featured many of our idiotic exploits (Bumping, Boxing, Air-soft gun wars, etc.).

Surprise, surprise, Ubben won! Out of like 400 video applicants our little African-American buddy won a spot on the show. Now, our first real glimpse of the show is available to us online: Just click here. He's the one with the Mizzou shirt on.

Needless to say, this is pretty cool. Those of us who were at Ubben's going away party have a legitimate chance of making it onto the show, so thats pretty cool, too.

Anyways, this post was just an excuse to link to that video up there, which I think is pretty cool. Check it out (yea, I linked it twice).

Monday, August 22, 2005

Story Time

So I'm sitting in the dorm Thursday night by myself with nothing to do, when I think "Hey, I'm kind of hungry." So I take out my phone and call my good buddy Aaron Hopwood and ask him what he's up to. "Oh, I'm just eating at the Student Union," he says. "Who all is there?" "Uh, me, Susanna, and a bunch of rush girls," he responds. "So its pretty much just you and Susanna?" "Yep. But you can come if you want." So I said "Ok, I think I will. I'll be down there in a few minutes."

So I begin the long and strenuous on-foot journey up the hill to the Student Union, wondering why the Union is open so late (by this time it is probably 9:30p). When the Union is finally in sight, I notice a strange fact. There is not a single guy in a 60-yeard radius of this place. "Oh well, maybe they're all inside," I think to myself. So I walk in the doors and walk up into the food court.

There are probably 400 girls there. And 1 guy. That would be me.

Now don't get me wrong--I'm a fan of the ladies. But at this moment I knew something had to be terribly wrong for me to be the only guy there.

"What the heck?" I think to myself. "I am going to fight Hopwood."

So, I slowly walk through trying to figure out whats going one, when I decide to call Hopwood. No answer. "Yep, he's dead."

I see some girls I know waving at me, so I walk over to them and ask them what this is all about. They explain to me that every girl that is rushing has to stay at the Union until 1:00am. They then tell me some rediculous stories about frat guys who had been following them around all night, making cat-calls at them.

Around that time, I see Hopwood in the back corner of the union.

"I gotta go, I gotta talk to Hopwood. I'll see y'all later."

"What the heck, man!?" I say.
"What?" he asks.
"When you told me that it was you, Susanna, and a bunch of sorrority girls here, I didn't think you literally meant JUST YOU, SUSANNA, AND A BUNCH OF SORRORITY GIRLS!"
"Oh, my bad, haha." he says.

So I decide that, since I'm here, I'm just gonna get some food and not make it a wasted trip. While I'm waiting in line, a gross realization makes its way into my head--the realization that I'm THAT guy. All these girls think I'm the guy thats there just to try to get my pimp on and what not. I freeze with humiliation. I am THAT guy.

While I'm pondering this, a friend of mine named Allie comes up to me. We make a little small talk and then I tell her about how embarassed I am about being here. She says she understands and then pauses. "NO YOU CANNOT HAVE MY NUMBER!" she yells and then walks off. 15 girls turn around and stare at me with disgusted looks on their faces.


Dorm Life

So about my last post... I'll probably get around to actually typing it one of these days. It was kind of serious. But, until I feel like it retyping it, I'll just post about whatever I feel like posting about. For now, its dorm life.

Roland and I moved into Pomfret Thursday. So far, it has been pretty cool. The food's not bad and its cool to be just a few steps away from so many of my friends. Here are a few pictures of our humble abode:

The Hallway (with Nick)

The Hallway Again (with Nick)

Looking in the Door

Heger's Side

The Middle

Roland's Side

As always, keep it classy.

Saturday, August 13, 2005


Well I just spent an hour typing a post only to have it accidentally deleted. I am very mad right now. I guess I will try to type it again tomorrow.

Check out Teters's blog.