Sunday, September 18, 2005


I'm not sure that I agree with the whole "God has allowed this or this to happen because he has something better for you" mentality. So many times I hear people say things like that, and I'm just not sure that its truth.

"I know you really liked her a lot, but don't worry about the fact that you broke up--this just means God has someone better for you."

"I know you didn't get the job you wanted, but this just means that God has a better one in store for you."

In both of these situations, it is very possible that God does, in fact, have a better future-spouse or a better job for you, but it is not a certainty. We can't just say "Well, because God allowed that to happen, he has to have this in store..." The fact is, most of the time we don't know how God works.

Thousands of people have lost their homes in New Orleans, many of them (I'm sure) are Christians. Some of them won't get "better homes". In fact, many of them might be without homes for the rest of their lives. God allowed this to happen, and sure, he has a plan for it, but we don't know what that plan is.

Countless Christians become martyrs every year--some spend nearly their whole lives in pain and suffering for their faith. God does not "rescue" them (in the sense that we might expect him to), or have a "better" earthly life for many of them in the cards.

It seems to me that, oftentimes, we have a clouded view of what our relationship is to God. I started talking to Roland about this today at FSM and he said that he thinks the American church, on the whole, really neglects certain aspects of Christianity that might be viewed as unattractive by many. He said we put way too much emphasis on the self. I agree with him. We are, oftentimes, too afraid to admit that our worldly happiness doesn't necessarily have a whole lot of value to God.

Just to clarify, I know that there are a ton of examples in scripture where it talks about God working for the good of those that love him. I just think that sometimes what we view as "the good" might not line up correctly with God's defintion of it.

Heaven is going to a great reward--thats a given, but we honestly don't know what God's plan is for our earthly lives, or if our "happiness" is a part of it. We do know that joy is, though. And that is comforting.


John Nelson said...

I would totally agree with you on this.

I think the key comes down to way you read the verse "God works all things to the good of those who loves Him."
I'd agree that the Western mindset of this verese is that God has something better for us, and we use it as a comforting excuse for not getting something WE want.

I think our understanding of what "loving God" means in American is a pale shade of what it truly is. When we read the New Testament and see the lives of the discples and the wreckless abandon with which they served their Lord, we can see a totally different mindset of "loving God" than we see in America.

Once we love God with the wreckless abandon that Paul, Peter, and Timothy did, we will not truly understand the way God works all things for good in our lives.

Anonymous said...

One thing I am sure of is God has a great plan for you, my son, and it had been in motion for many years now! Every time I read your comments, or for that matter, watch your every day life, I'm amazed at your insite and thoughtfulness. I know this isn't the place for your proud Dad to comment but I just want everyone to know how proud I am of you! I'm 48 years old and I only wish I had half the walk with God that you have! Now, get over that cold!

John Nelson said...

I agree with your're amazing guy and I look foward to seeing the impact you have for God's kingdom in the future.

I also agree with Heather...don't grow your facial hair (term used quite loosely) out. Unless of course you're wanting to live a girl-less life. Then you're on the right path, padawan.

Cameron said...

Dad, Nelson, you guys are making me blush. Cut that out.

Smiley, that was a solid observation. Oh, and I don't think we're going to have group tomorrow. Next week I think we will start. We still need to figure out what we're going to study.

John Nelson said...

Mr Heger, the only reason you want Cam to grow out his facial hair is because you're inner hippie is coming out...Cam: don't give in to the hippies! They've overrun Fayetteville. Don't let them have your soul, too!

Anonymous said...

Hey, old hippies never die, they just lose their hair! I can live again through Cam! Go for it boy!

Drew Caperton said...

Cam, it's good to see you asking these kids of questions. Switchfoot has a song called "Sooner or Later" and it has a line that says "sooner or later, you'll find out there's a hole in the wall; sooner or later, you'll find out that you'll dream to be that small." What you're seeing are holes in western Christianity. I applaud you and encourage you to keep crawling in the hole. You'll find more holes, but don't despair, there's Light all along the way.

And about happiness: happy is a yuppie word, not God's.