Thursday, December 15, 2005

It's Christmas time!

So this first first semester of college just flew by. I mean, it really got out of hand fast. It literally feels like I just moved into the dorm a few weeks ago.

I started telling myself right before school started that whenever I finished my first semester I would post a huge blog about college and how it has affected me. But, to be honest, I really don't feel that different at all. Sure, class was a little bit harder than High School and finals were definately a pretty stressful period, but, other than that, everything was pretty standard.

I think it's great that I am still hanging out with my cell group guys and that I have met a bunch of new solid Christian friends. There are so many pitfalls that you hear about people falling into once they get into college and experience "life on their own," but with these guys and girls, its been just like the old days. I am truly thankful for these people and our friendships--God is, indeed, good. At the same time, while I have met quite a few new people, I feel a little bit like I could do a better job of branching out. Its easy to stay in your own little comfort zone when you have so many people that you're so close to around you all the time. Hopefully I'll figure out how to balance these things.

So, no, I don't have any Earth-shatteringly insightful observations after my first semester. It sure was fun, though--I'll tell you that. And I'm definately looking forward to the next couple of years. Maybe I'll get a huge revelation later... if I do, I'll keep you posted.

Moving on, Christmas time is here. Before I say anything else about it, I feel like I need to plug some music. Sufjan Stevens, one of my favorite singer/songwriters has a, as far as I can tell, completely legal and completely free collection of 3 Christmas EPs called "Hark! Songs for Christmas." Download them here. He plays a great mix of traditional Christmas songs and new ones written by Sufjan himself. My two favorite are probably "O Come O Come Emmanuel" and "That Was the Worst Christmas Ever!" Do yourself a favor and check it out.

My Birthday is about a week before Christmas, and my parents got me my birthday present early, and it is an awesome, awesome gift. They got me a Latin Percussion Conga and Bongo set with stands and everything. I've been banging around on them for a couple of days now, and while I have absolutely no skill on them right now, I can't wait to put some serious practice time into them.

One thing I'm kind of bummed about, however, is the fact that we don't have a Christmas tree at the Lake House (where we're staying until our new house gets built). Its not a big deal at all, but I just like the tree as a big visual reminder of the Holiday.

I really don't have much else to say (and I know I haven't said much up until now, either). I guess I just felt like blogging, even though I really had nothing new to add. Oh well. If there is anyone that reads this that I don't see on a regular basis, do me a favor and have a Merry Christmas for me. I would really appreciate it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like your demos!!!!